Saturday, January 2, 2010

In 2010 I want to.....

be in nature

be with good friends

and eat more jalama beach burgers!!!!

we'll start the diet tomorrow....

just don't tell them....

it was a great day.....

not only a great lunch...but, so many cool discoveries!!!!

sand angels....

a little riding for Chip and Riley

boat making contest against the boys...

with a little assistance from the Dads....

and of course....searching for beautiful objects....


and colors...

knees giving out....

being silly....

and goofy....

and lovely....

and basically, just having a wonderful first day of the year!!!!

Enjoy every moment......happy 2010

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  1. Hi Jules - I popped over here via your comment on my blog. I wish you could sign-up for the retreat too. I have a feeling if we had a couple of hours and a cup of coffee together we would get along quite grandly! New Year Blessings to you, my {new} friend! Elaine
    p.s. I could arrange a ride from the airport!?!???

  2. HI Jules,
    It was so wonderful of you to stop by and leave a comment on my blog site. Your jewelry is absolutely beautiful! It's wonderful to have something in common with wonderful people like you on the internet. I hope you have a wonderful New Year! Oh, and congrats on the beautiful new grandbaby below.

  3. I want to do all of that too! Looks like a Perfect day. Happy New Year, Jamie

  4. Hope you're off to a wonderful New Year and the photos of your lovely day at the beach sure do show that you are! Those burgers look so delish! and the company looks perfect! Thanks for sharing a great day!
    hugs and blessings,

  5. Looks like a great day! Beautiful pictures :)

  6. what amazing pictures!!
    the starfish...WOW!
    i wish i lived closer to the beach!
    happy new year jules

  7. Those pics are really great!
    I'm so glad you headed over to my blog to say hello, your jewelry is absolutely stunning!

    Hope you have a wonderful week. :-)


  8. burgers and the beach and finding rocks and starfish and other fun stuff....

    you just described my perfect day !

  9. Thanks for coming to see me, I am a rock collrctor too, when I am at the beach I am always looking for those special rocks or sea glass. It is all so hard to eliminate which ones stay at the beach. Looks like your whole family had a wonderful time. Florence

  10. Oh I love what you want to do...ME TOO...what a lovely blog you good to meet you!!! {thank you for your lovely comment by the way}

    I absolutely love your pictures by the way...the beach is just the perfect place in my mind...

  11. Interesting blog, I enjoyed browsing through, good job darling.

    Love & Hugs

  12. Thank you so much for visiting me the other day. Your blog is lovely...I so love the ocean...what happy wonderful times. Love your images. I am leaving with my heart filled...thank you. And thank you for following me!

  13. I can't imagine being on the beach right is FREEZING here in the Chgo area and we have a TON of snow!!

    Happy New Year Jules!

    :) T

  14. Hi Jules,

    It looks like your year is getting off to a wonderful start. I am looking forward to seeing you and your cute family at my next show.


