Monday, January 18, 2010

Girl's night out!!!!

A girl's night out to celebrate our cute girl "Mare's" birthday!!!

We all love this girl a ton!

She is one of those witty girls!!! She can make you laugh all day long...

As you can see...she also has an amazing sense of style...the girl can put an outfit together!!!

in addition to all of that...she is a great mom....and an aunt to my boys...a little Mare story in my life...when my younger son Jackson broke his leg..we came home from the hospital, and Mare had filled our fridge with groceries, put fresh flowers out and had a bunch of stuff for Jackson to keep him busy during his down time...

we all love her to pieces...

Mare, we all wish you a very happy birthday!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fresh eggs anyone?

The coup is done, and we have beautiful organic eggs!!!

This is how it looked in the went from sticks in the a cute little cottage coup...

and I think they like it...

I know I love it!

We are so enjoying them. Lar put electricity in, an automatic water dispenser, a room for hatching babies, and plenty of roosting area

Lar also added a room that is separate from their area which is for storing feed, and bedding, and he even made it so that we can lift the lid to the nesting box to grab the eggs from in here.

Here is our white puffy girl coming in to lay an egg...

Feed & bedding....

and a couple of pictures of our feathered friends....

We think this one (in pic above) is a rooster...some days he cock-a-doodle-doos

this little girl above is a silkie who is super tiny...

They all seem to be doing great...getting along really well....

So, when you come for a spell, I will make you a yummy omelet, scramble or camels eye!!!! Ok, gotta go eat, I just made myself hungry....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

In 2010 I want to.....

be in nature

be with good friends

and eat more jalama beach burgers!!!!

we'll start the diet tomorrow....

just don't tell them....

it was a great day.....

not only a great lunch...but, so many cool discoveries!!!!

sand angels....

a little riding for Chip and Riley

boat making contest against the boys...

with a little assistance from the Dads....

and of course....searching for beautiful objects....


and colors...

knees giving out....

being silly....

and goofy....

and lovely....

and basically, just having a wonderful first day of the year!!!!

Enjoy every moment......happy 2010

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