There are some things in life that are truly difficult and don't seem to make any sense. I had one of those things happen to me last week. It was awful. I was really struggling. Then in the midst of my struggle my son Gradyon told his father and I that he wanted to run for 8th grade class president. He was really excited as was his little brother Jackson. He wrote his own speech, made his own posters, stickers and with the help of his brother, did all the things necessary to be prepared.
Watching them, listening to them and being around them took my attention off of myself and my sadness...amazing, isn't it? I think God knew I needed that and it really did help. The sadness is still there, but right in the middle of a tough time, my 13 & 12 year old sons, without even realizing it kept me going.
Thank you Graydon and Jackson!! Oh, and congratulations on winning the position of Class President Graydon!!!

Then of course there was my husband right there as always. He knew I needed a lift and took me to one of my favorite thrift stores. Even though he can barely walk because he had blown out his knee again. He is due to go in for his 5th knee surgery on the 24th, until then he hobbles. I have a few pics of the things I found. Two cashmere sweaters 14.99 each, fun frame for 1.50, white metal towel dispenser for 4.00, glass dish for 2.00, cool light for6.91, measuring cups for 1.50 and a mercury glass tiny creamer for 2.00.
This large candle stick 3.99. I will probably paint this
and my favorite find from the day...a towel rack for 9.99 that still has the restoration hardware sticker on it.Then it was off to the Rose Bowl!!!!!
I found some great rosaries that I will use in my jewelry
some great earrings, rhinestone buttons and pendants
a fun, something or other, that I will use to display necklaces
an old painted paper towel holder
got two of these pillows
my favorite for last, love this chandelier, it will look great in my cottage. I will show you when it is hung. Well, hope you all have a great week.