This is my oldest son Graydon's 8th grade class & this is a picture of them getting ready to board a plane in the LAX for Virginia to begin their much anticipated Historic Tour.

unfortunately, the trip began on Feb 6th, right when the 2010 Blizzard was hitting Virginia, DC & NYC...all of which were destinations for this trip....so, needless to say....there were a few detours. Chicago, for two days, was the first of many...the theme of this trip was "Flexibility".

This cute mom, Ann, was dancing along with the underground entertainment while we waited for the L train in Chicago.....we were headed to the Shedd Aquarium & then for some yummy deep dish pizza....

after two, unplanned, days in Chicago, mind you, without our luggage, we made it to Virginia. The weather was cold, but manageable. We enjoyed the snow because we don't get this in our part of California...

We toured Virginia, DC & NYC on this bus....which was great. Super comfy, clean and a great driver.

This is Williamsburg, VA. Amazing!!!!

The kids in front of the Williamsburg courthouse...loved all the great info the docents gave us...the next day we went to Jamestown, then off to DC...

Graydon & I in DC with the Capitol behind us...trust me...he is a great boy...never once complained that I embarrassed him with my hat...I think he is used to me....

the class with the White House behind them....this is a great group of kids...their parents are great too! We went to several memorials, soooooo heart wrenching.....and although we missed a ton of sights that we were suppose to see, we did get to some of the great museums in the Smithsonian that were amazing!!!!! I definitely want to return.

Finally, we made it to NYC. We went to Ground Zero, Empire State Building, Carnegie Hall, Fifth Ave, The Plaza, FAO S., and lots of other downtown Manhattan goodies. We also took in "Lion King".

We stopped by the Saint Peter's Church on 5th Avenue and lite a candle for Grandma Rose who was my dear sweet mother-in-law. She was a beautiful woman who the boys never really got to know.

Upon our return....it was back to sports, school......the usual, there is Graydon, taking a shot! As for me, too bad I brought some bad germs home...I have been sick and pretty much laying in bed for two weeks now!!! Yesterday, I finally broke down & went to the Doc & got a Zpac!!!! I can't wait to get back to my regular routine!!!!!